Need some help finding things to be thankful for? Here’s a list of things many of us can be thankful for.
1. A New Day
Each day is a fresh start, another chance to try again. Another opportunity to embrace what you have. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a gift – a chance to make things right, embrace the possibilities, and move forward with purpose.

2. Good Health
It can be easy to overlook our health until something feels off or we’re suddenly in pain or on the edge of a simple cold. Even in imperfect health, the ability to move, breathe, and experience life is a gift. Small things, like taking a deep breath or going for a walk, can be really precious blessings.
3. Food/Shelter/Security
I know what it’s like to be in a position where you’re struggling to put food on the table. Even if we don’t have it all, I’ve found I can be thankful for the provisions I have had that have allowed me to provide for my child; to get through. I can be thankful for having enough to make to to this day.
Having a place to stay can give a sense of belonging, security, stability in an uncertain world and having basic needs met, like a place to rest your head, a safe place to stay, is a blessing.
4. Nature
Anyone else notice a difference in their attitude and energy when they step outside? Sometimes we forget to pause and take in the beauty of a sunset or the smell of rain. Nature constantly reminds us of the wonder of the world, even God. Gratitude here keeps us grounded and helps us to slow down to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. Being outside does so much good to our minds and souls.
5. Family & Friends
Whether it’s a family you were born into or a family you chose, having people in your life you can depend on is a priceless gift. It’s so refreshing to be seen, known, loved, cared for. Even with all their flaws and imperfections, we can be thankful for the role they play in our lives. True friends walk you through both the highs and lows. The best ones – know when to comfort and when to push you out of your comfort zone, which makes them even more priceless.
6. Chances to Serve
We have the potential to be the light of the world. It can be a huge part of our purpose. Matthew 5:16 says: In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Serving others is a beautiful reflection of God in our lives.
7. Technology
If you’re seeing this post, it’s because you have access to technology. And while it can have its downsides, technology connects us in powerful ways. It helps us get information, maintain relationships, and get our message out to the world around us.
8. God’s Unconditional Love
There are so many words that can be used to describe the love of God. Unconditional is just one of them. No matter who we are or where we come from, and whether we know it or not, God loves us without limits.
When life tries to convince us that we are not worth loving, we can have the peace and the confidence of knowing that there is a God in Heaven who knows us better than anyone else in the world – and He loves us still and loves us well.
If this is something that is not known to you, I’m praying for the revelation – the revealing – of God’s love toward you specifically. That you would know it without a doubt.
9. Salvation Through Jesus
We’ve been saved from an eternal punishment many people can’t wrap their minds around. We can’t entirely fathom the gravity of what we deserve.
Not only have we been saved – we’ve also been given an incredible gift when we accept Jesus: eternal life.
Faith in Jesus can offer a great sense of purpose and direction. Faith can help us find meaning and strength and difficult times and give us a surprising hope for the future. Being grateful for faith means recognizing how it shapes our lives and sustains us when we can’t carry ourselves.
10. Freedom
Being free to make choices about how we live and what we believe, is a powerful privilege. When we stop to appreciate the freedoms we have, especially in America, we realize how precious they are in shaping our lives and the lives of our children.
11. Love
Love is one of our most basic needs, our most basic desire. In a lot of ways, it is the heartbeat of our lives. It’s often what we look for and display in words, gifts, time, energy, touch. Love makes us feel valued and connected. It heals, inspires, and moves us forward even in the face of difficulty.
12. Your Senses
Your senses are the way you experience the world. The ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell are all the little ways our world feels more and more meaningful.
13. Second Chances
Sometimes life gives us second chances. Sometimes people give us second chances. Wherever it’s coming from, it’s a gift we should never take for granted. It’s something that points to the value of redemption and starting fresh. We can take this opportunity to learn, try again, and do better.
14. Time
Time is one of our most precious resources, but it’s easy to take for granted. When we really think about, it’s one of the most valuable things we have. We can’t earn it. We can’t buy it. We can’t make more of it to be able to add unto our lives. And everyone’s time runs out at some point. Instead of regretting the past and being anxious about the future, be still and be present and find a way to be grateful. Don’t let to much time go by without appreciating what’s right in front of you.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it The Present.
Eleanor roosevelt

15. Seasons
As we grow older and live through different stages of life, we should find ways to be thankful for the season we’re in. With it’s blessings and it’s struggles. We can find ways to appreciate where we are. Each season bring its own beauty and its own lessons. The seasons we go through are bound to change. The changes we go through can be a reminder that there is always something new on the horizon and we only have this moment to hold unto the very best of what the season has to offer.
16. Sleep
Ever found yourself crying on the floor cause of sleep deprivation? Welp, I have.
Sleep is another one of those gifts we don’t appreciate until we’re lacking. It restores our body, our mind, and gives us strength for the next day. This is proof that we can find so many opportunities to be grateful, even for something simple and basic, like sleep.
17. Grace & Forgiveness
God’s grace is a gift that empowers us to become more than we could have ever been on our own. It challenges us to live more righteously but also gives us the freedom to grow without the weight of shame and condemnation.
And yet, I am the God who forgives your sins, and I do this because of who I am. I will not hold your sins against you.
Isaiah 43:25
Forgiveness restores relationships and peace. And because of God’s forgiveness, He restored us to Himself. When forgiveness is given and received, it’s incredibly freeing and allows us all to let go, heal, and love well, just as God loves us.
18. Community
We’re not meant to do life alone and having people who care, encourage, and walk alongside us is something we should always cherish.
We can find a sense of community in our church, our local neighborhood, our work, and even our interest groups. Real communities that thrive in unity often take time and effort, but the reward of genuine connection makes it all worth it!
19. Life’s Lessons
You telling me I’m supposed to be thankful for the hard stuff?
As I’m writing this, I’m remembering all the pain I’ve endured, the pain that others have endured. And I want you to know that I write this with sincerity and compassion.
There can be so many lessons that shape who we are. In a lot of ways, adversity introduces us to ourselves. It shows us who we are when we’re broken, who we are when we’re under pressure. Adversity reminds us of our need for Jesus.
The painful moments can help us learn resilience, empathy, and growth. The hard times help us show up more purposefully for others who have gone through what we’ve gone through.
Being thankful for life’s lessons is recognizing that sometimes the journey, not just the destination, matters most. And some of the most powerful life lessons I’ve learned in life have increased my revelation of God. I can always be thankful for that.
20. Eternal Hope
Hope keeps us going when times are tough. It’s the belief that there’s something better ahead, even when we can’t see it. Being thankful for the hope we have keeps us moving forward, and can give us perseverance, trusting that brighter and better days are ahead.
No matter how tough life gets, we have the promise of eternity with God.
21. God’s Word
The Bible is a constant source of truth in a world that is constantly changing. It tells us about our history. It teaches us about God, about his character, and about his love. The Bible is God’s way of speaking to us, revealing His character, His promises, and His plans. It reminds us that He cares enough to communicate directly with us. It offers wisdom and gives us practical principles to live by. In times of struggle, the Bible gives us encouragement and comfort. It helps us discern right from wrong and align our actions with God’s will. It gives us the revelation of Jesus.

22. The Holy Spirit
One of the things that is highlighted in the Bible is how Jesus made a way for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Holy Spirit is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given access to. It’s God’s presence with us, guiding us, comforting us, and empowering us in our daily lives. He helps us understand Scripture, convicts us of sin, and transforms us to be more and more like Christ. He gives us strength in our weakness, intercedes for us in prayer, and equips us with spiritual gifts to serve others. Without Him, we would not experience the fullness of God in such a deeply personal way.
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