Have you ever found yourself asking God for wisdom and, almost immediately, you think of the book of Proverbs? I pulled some bits and pieces of wisdom from Proverbs in a format that is simple and easy to read.
I encourage you to read the Bible as often as you can. There is nothing better than the source.
This guide goes through Proverbs (chapter by chapter) and points out a lot of the advice it gives us. Seeing it all laid out in this way might come in handy when we’re seeking wisdom, learning to recognize it, praying for it, and practicing it.
There are a handful of translations I prefer for my own reading: the Passion Translation, the Christian Standard Bible, the New Living Translation, the New International Version, and (most recently) the Easy-to-Read Version.
The bullet points below include direct and paraphrased quotes from the book of Proverbs in varied translations.
I chose to notice what TO do, more than focusing on what NOT to do. Two sides of the same coin, I guess. If we do what is right, then it will bring its’ rewards. If we do what is wrong, then it will bring its’ consequences.

Chapter 1
Wisdom from proverbs
- Live in obedient devotion to God. This is how wisdom begins.
- Listen when your parents give you wise advice and instruction. This will guide your decisions.
- Resist peer pressure that leads to sin.
- Stay away from negative ungodly influences.
- Let the wise rebuke lead you to repent. Don’t hate knowledge or cling to deception.
- Actively seek wisdom.
- Don’t wait until it’s too late. Accept wise counsel and correction when you get it. Don’t be stuck in your own ways. You’ll be choosing destruction.
- Live in peace and freedom. Live without fear. Be confident and courageous.
Chapter 2
Wisdom from proverbs
- Treasure wisdom. Don’t take it for granted. Then, you will acquire it.
- Accept wise advice if you want to be successful.
- Train your heart to listen.
- Cry out for insight. Ask for understanding. Actively search for those things as you would search for treasure. You’ll learn what it means to fear the Lord and you will gain knowledge of God.
- Let wisdom be an inheritance for your children.
- If you are honest, God will give you common sense.
- If you walk with integrity, God will be your bodyguard.
- If you are just and you are faithful to God, He will be your protection.
- The gift of wisdom will allow you to discover what is just, proper, and fair and it will empower you to make the right decisions.
- Knowledge will give you joy.
- Wise choices will watch over you.
- Understanding will keep you safe.
- Follow those who follow wisdom.
Chapter 3
Wisdom from proverbs
- Be loyal and kind. You’ll find favor with both God and people. It will be good for your reputation.
- Trust in the Lord 100%. Don’t depend on your own opinions or limited understanding.
- If you rely on God to guide you, He will lead you in every decision you make.
- If you choose intimacy with the Father, He will lead you wherever you go.
- You don’t know it all.
- Love the Lord with an undivided heart. Avoid everything that is wrong. Then, wisdom will come.
- Wisdom will refresh and heal your body and your spirit.
- Honor God with your wealth and with your tithes. This will bring increase.
- When God speaks to you, don’t take His Words lightly.
- Don’t reject God’s discipline and don’t be angry when He corrects you. He does so because He loves and cares for you.
Chapter 4
Wisdom from proverbs
- Let discernment enter your heart and you will grow wise with understanding
- Make wisdom your quest. Search for the revelation of life’s meaning.
- Make wise choices. Develop good judgment. Wisdom will be your protection.
- Don’t take detours into darkness or set foot on evil paths.
- Fill your thoughts with these proverbs until they settle in your spirit.
- Guard your heart above all else becuase it determines the course of your life.
- Avoid perverse talk and corrupt speech.
- Focus. Fix your eyes on what’s ahead.
- Stick to the path that is true. Don’t be sidetracked. Don’t follow evil.
Chapter 5
Wisdom from proverbs
- Listen to this wise counsel and you’ll show discernment. Your lips will express what you’ve learned.
- Stay sexually pure.
- Don’t be seduced, deceived, or led down a path that leads to death. There will be consequences.
- Protect your honor.
- Share your love with your spouse alone. Reserve this pleasure for only each other. Your sex life will be blessed.
- Don’t be overtaken by sin. Don’t choose wickedness. Have self-control.

Chapter 6
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t co-sign a loan or guarantee the debt of an acquaintance or you’ll regret it.
- If you’ve already done so, humble yourself and beg your friend to have your name erased asap.
- When you’re feeling lazy, think about the example of ants. They answer to no one and no one has to tell them what to do.
- Wake up at an appropriate time.
- Don’t put something off for later when you can do it now. You rob yourself by making excuses.
- Don’t put others down while considering yourself superior.
- Don’t spread lies and rumors.
- Don’t spill the blood of the innocent.
- Don’t plot evil in your heart.
- Don’t gloat over doing what is wrong.
- Don’t be a false witness.
- Don’t stir up strife or discord between friends or family.
- Fill your heart with godly instruction and life-giving teaching. Let your life be shaped by it.
- Truth will shine light into every area of your life, instructing and correcting you to discover the ways to godly living.
- Don’t commit adultery. It’s foolish and there will be many consequences.
Chapter 7
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t let your hearts stray toward sexual immorality.
- Control your sexual urges.
- Guard your hearts against lust.
- Don’t let your passions get out of hand.
- Don’t put yourself in situations that allow you to be tempted or seduced.
Chapter 8
Wisdom from proverbs
- Be willing to listen and then wisdom will make itself readily available to impart understanding.
- Wisdom will allow you to reign in life and empower you to live by what is right.
- Open your mind and you’ll receive revelation-knowledge.
- Partner wisdom with good judgment. It will lead to knowledge and discernment.
- If you fear the Lord, hate what is evil: pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverse speech.
- Examine yourself.
- Wisdom provides insight into wise plans that are designed just for you. You will find true success, understanding, courage, and strength.
- Wisdom empowers you to lead well and make righteous judgments.
- Be generous.
- Search continually and you will find wisdom.
- Love wisdom and you’ll inherit wealth.
Chapter 9
Wisdom from proverbs
- Lay aside your simple thoughts and leave your ways behind.
- Agree with wisdom’s ways. Live in wisdom’s truth, and you will find righteousness.
- Don’t try to correct someone who is arrogant or evil. They don’t want to be corrected.
- Correct those who want to be corrected. They are wise. They will love you more for it.
- Teach teachable people what is right and they will grow even more wise.
- Instruct those who love God and they’ll learn even more.
- Being consumed with awe as you worship God is the starting point for wisdom.
- Seek to know Him. True knowledge of Him will result in good judgment.
- Demonstrate good judgment and integrity. Don’t allow yourself to be clueless, easily led astray, or tempted by foolishness.
Chapter 10
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t turn away from wisdom. Receive it. This will be a reward of joy to your parents.
- Don’t gain wealth through dishonesty.
- Honesty and righteousness will bring you lasting happiness.
- Love the Lord and He will satisfy your longings.
- Work hard and you will become wealthy.
- Know the importance of the season you’re in. Don’t waste your opportunities for a great harvest.
- If you love God you will be enriched beyond belief.
- The reputation of the righteous will add to their legacy.
- If you are really wise, you will easily accept instruction.
- Be slow to speak or else you’ll make a mess with your words. Listen and learn.
- Have integrity and you will experience fearless confidence in life.
- If you speak honest correction (and are also able to receive it), you can be trusted to make peace.
- Words of wisdom come from someone who has true discernment. Don’t harden your heart. Receive it well.
- Don’t divulge all that you know. Store up knowledge.
- Accept discipline. Don’t ignore correction and go astray.
- Be observant of those who hide their hatred for you, pretend to be your friend, and talk behind your back. They can’t be trusted.
- Prove your wisdom by being strong and biting your tongue.
- Demonstrate an understanding heart with the teachings of those who love God.
- Bless the Lord with rest and contentment, knowing that it all comes from Him, and you will find true enrichment.
- Delight in having discernment.
- Demonstrate your love for God by remaining steady and securely anchored when catastrophe comes.
- Don’t trust lazy people to get the job done.
- Live in worship and awe of God and you’ll have many years of contentment.
- If you have integrity, the beautiful ways of God will be your safe resting place.
- Do not be greatly shaken. Inherit the covenant blessings set apart for you.

Chapter 11
Wisdom from proverbs
- Apply the right standards of measurement when it comes to your business practices and finances.
- Don’t be convinced you are right without knowing for certain. Humility leads to wisdom.
- Have integrity and it will lead to success. It will keep a good person from being captive to sin.
- Be rich in righteousness. The godly are rescued from trouble.
- Develop good character and your path will be smooth.
- Don’t let the teachings of hypocrites destroy you. If you are righteous, revelation-knowledge will rescue you.
- If you are righteous, there is a blessing and favor that rests on you and releases strength and favor to the city/the church.
- Don’t get into heated arguments about small things. That is senseless. Bite your tongue. Be wise and keep quiet.
- Don’t trust gossipers with secrets.
- Put your confidence in trusted friends. They will be faithful to keep it in confidence.
- Have many good counselors and wise leadership so that you don’t lose your way. They can be trusted to guide you.
- Women, be gracious and generous and you will be honored with a good reputation. Be diligent.
- Men, be kind and you will attract favor.
- Sow seeds of righteousness that will bring a true and lasting reward.
- Don’t let your heart be stubborn and bent toward evil. God treasures those whose ways are pure.
- Don’t bring harm to your neighbor.
- Don’t abandon your moral ground.
- Long for what is pleasing and good. This is a sign that you really love God.
- Be generous.
- Live to bless others. Seek what is good for others and you will be blessed and saturated with favor.
- Demonstrate good ethics in your business.
- Don’t trust in your riches. Trust in God.
- Don’t bring trouble to your own family.
- Live your life loving God and you will bear fruit that lasts long.
Chapter 12
Wisdom from proverbs
- Be teachable and appreciate the value of correction.
- Check your heart. Favor flows from the Lord accordingly.
- Be deeply rooted and firmly planted.
- Don’t expect to be successful while doing the wrong things.
- The integrity and strength of a virtuous wife make her like a mighty warrior and her dignity brings her husband honor and strengthens his identity.
- Be filled with good ideas that are noble and pure.
- Don’t use your words to ambush and accuse. Speak to defend and protect.
- Make sure the condition of your heart is good and pure. This will show in how you practice your principles. Other people will admire you for it.
- Don’t pretend to be important. See yourself rightly and work hard for a living.
- Take care of the needs of your pets.
- Work hard at your job and you’ll have what you need.
- Make righteousness your core motivation.
- Don’t gossip, slander, or lie. Honesty is its own defense. Speak the truth.
- Don’t be in love with your own opinion.
- Refuse to take offense.
- Demonstrate your righteousness by being truthful and honest.
- Don’t be reckless with your words intending to hurt someone else. If you are wise, your words will be healing and soothing.
- Plan for peace and you’ll be filled with joy.
- Live in truth and keep your promises. The Lord will delight in you.
- If you are really wise, you won’t feel the need to impress others with what you know.
- Work hard at doing what’s right.
- Let your encouragement to others be life-giving and bring joy.
- Give good advice to your friends and don’t lead them astray with your counsel.
- Be passionate and make good use of your time, wealth, and energy.
- Finish what you start. Don’t quit.
- Be righteous. Don’t hold unto your anger.
Chapter 13
Wisdom from proverbs
- Desire your parents’ discipline and listen to their correction.
- Don’t pick fights and argue just to argue.
- Let your words be kind and easy to swallow. Control your tongue.
- If you work hard, you will get all you’ve longed for. Don’t slack.
- Hate what is untrue.
- Be righteous and guard your integrity. Don’t let sin be your downfall.
- Open your heart to receive wise counsel. Don’t close your ears to advice.
- Wealth quickly gained can quickly be wasted. Be careful. If you gradually gain wealth, you will be more likely to watch it grow.
- Honor God’s instructions and you will be rewarded. Don’t despise His word. Don’t take it for granted.
- If you are wise and sensible, you will be admired.
- Think ahead.
- Be dependable, trustworthy, and wise, and release healing wherever you go.
- Be easy to correct because it sets you on a path of honor.
- Grow in wisdom by spending time with wise people. Be intentional about who you hang out with.
- Someone who is benevolent will leave an inheritance that endures to his children’s children.
- Don’t demonstrate a lack of love to your children by withholding correction.
Chapter 14
Wisdom from proverbs
- Encourage and build up your family. Don’t tear it down over time with your actions.
- Follow the right path.
- Your words will protect you if you are wise.
- Never lie.
- Don’t let your intellectual arrogance keep you from discovering the wisdom you seek. If you’re arrogant, you’re not really looking. Revelation-knowledge will come to you if you are hungry for understanding.
- If you need wise counsel, stay away from those who are foolish. The words of the wise are like weapons of knowledge. They will keep your life on the right track.
- Understand your need to repent. This will give you favor with God.
- No one will be able to fully understand the bitterness and the joys of all you experience in your life. Don’t expect them to.
- Don’t rationalize or justify the path of error you’ve chosen. You’ll know in the end that you made a mistake.
- Don’t turn from the truth. Be a good person.
- Don’t be gullible and believe anything. Be sensible and confirm the facts.
- Be careful in all things.
- Turn quickly from evil.
- Don’t be overconfident.
- Don’t be impulsive or easily angered. Show self-control.
- Be kind to the poor and you will prosper and be blessed.
- Make plans to be pure in all your ways, and kindness and truth will come.
- Work hard at what you do. Abundance will come. Don’t talk about getting rich while living only for pleasure. That will make you poor.
- The true net worth of wisdom is the wealth wisdom imparts to others.
- Speak the full truth.
- If you live in awe, out of love for God, confidence and strength will flood your heart and your devotion to the Lord will provide benefits for your children.
- Be very slow to get angry. This is a sign that your heart overflows with understanding.
- Pursue a heart of peace. A tender and tranquil heart will make you healthy. Don’t let jealousy settle there.
- Honor God by helping the poor.
- A wise and faithful servant will receive promotion.
Chapter 15
Wisdom from proverbs
- When you’re confronted, respond gently and you’ll defuse the other person’s rage. Don’t make things worse by responding sharply. Preserve your testimony.
- Speak healing words. Don’t speak unhealthy negative words that do nothing but crush hope.
- Welcome correction.
- Don’t worship God as a way of hiding your sinful heart. Yield yourself to Him. That’s the sacrifice He wants. That’s what is pleasing to Him.
- Pursue purity. Practice righteousness.
- Don’t turn away from what is true or rebel against correction.
- Esteem those who try to correct you. Don’t refuse to seek good advice from wise people.
- Hunger after truth. Seek understanding.
- Choose to be cheerful and every day will bring you more and more joy.
- Live simply.
- Don’t take things personally or be hot-tempered. Be calm and patient and silence strife.
- Make sure your heart is virtuous.
- Learn wisdom and it will make your parents proud.
- Don’t treat life like it’s a joke. Make good choices.
- Get good advice. Seek multiple counselors.
- If you consider your actions with care and thought for the future, this will lead you toward Heaven.
- Speak words that are lovely and delightful.
- Don’t put earning money above your family. You’ll have trouble at home. Refuse to exploit others and live in peace.
- Think before you speak. Don’t be careless with your words or intend to hurt others with them.
- Pursue righteousness. This will benefit your prayer life.
- Focus on what is beautiful. This will bring joy to your heart.
- Let good news and positive testimonies refresh and strengthen your inner being.
- Accept constructive criticism and open your heart. Accept correction and you’ll get insightful revelation.
- Don’t refuse constructive criticism. Have an active interest in improving your life.
- Fall down in humble and sincere surrender before the Lord and you will find the source of revelation-knowledge.

Chapter 16
Wisdom from proverbs
- Make all the plans you want. But know it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.
- We tend to think we’re right and pure. The Lord is able to examine us truly.
- Before you do anything, put your total trust in God alone. Then your plans will succeed.
- Don’t be prideful.
- Surrendered worship and fear of God is one way you can avoid evil. His love has power! His love removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.
- Love justice.
- Seek to please the Lord with your decisions.
- Within your heart, you can make plans for the future. But the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.
- Speak with divine wisdom and judge fairly.
- Be fair in your business and in your finances. This is a standard for righteousness.
- Despise doing wrong.
- Learn to love godly counsel. Love those who tell you the truth.
- Wisdom and a posture of understanding are more valuable than gold and silver.
- Repent from evil. This will lead to holiness. Protect purity.
- Don’t be overconfident. Be meek and lowly.
- Trust in God and you will be blessed beyond belief.
- If you are pleasant with your words, you’ll be more persuasive.
- Behave and speak in a way that avoids causing offense. Don’t break confidence.
- Use kind words.
- Don’t always trust yourself to know which way is “right.” The way you think is “right” might lead to death or destruction. Trust God more than you trust yourself.
- Use the longings of your heart to give you motivation. Your passion to see things fulfilled should keep you going.
- Don’t create trouble. Don’t plant seeds of strife. Don’t gossip. This ruins friendships. Don’t mislead your companions. Don’t persuade others down a harmful path.
- If you find yourself wanting to be strong and mighty, remember it’s better to be known as someone who is patient and slow to anger. Rule your temper.
Chapter 17
Wisdom from proverbs
- Strive for a simple life if it means peace at home.
- Let the Lord purify your heart through the tests and trials of life. Partner with Him in the process.
- Don’t listen to slander. Don’t listen to lies.
- Don’t mock the poor. Don’t make fun of others’ misfortune.
- Don’t dwell on the faults and failures of others. Forgive. Let love prosper.
- Don’t repay good with evil.
- Don’t start quarrels. Stop before disputes break out.
- As a friend, be loyal and love no matter what.
- As a family, stick together.
- Don’t run up bills you won’t be able to pay. Don’t co-sign for friends.
- Focus on saying what is good.
- Be true in all you do, even in secret. This reveals your true character.
- Don’t overlook wisdom. It might be right in front of you.
- A truly wise person uses few words and is even-tempered under pressure. An understanding heart will keep you cool, calm, and collected.
- If you are provoked, keep your mouth shut. It might be the smartest thing you do.
Chapter 18
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t be an unfriendly person who isolates themself. Don’t care only about your own issues.
- Appreciate sound judgment. Find pleasure in acquiring true wisdom.
- Don’t try to impress others with what you know.
- Love justice.
- Don’t be quick to jump into an argument. Don’t speak recklessly.
- Don’t spread rumors, gossip, or slander. These things reveal the wounds of your soul and they sink deeply into the innermost being.
- Look for work. Don’t waste your life away.
- Find your strength in the character of God.
- Don’t rely on your wealth for protection.
- Be humble.
- Listen before you speak. Hear all the facts. Cross-examine. There are always two sides to the same story.
- Remain spiritually hungry. Always be ready to learn more. Steward your heart to remain eager to discover new truths.
- If you’re meeting with someone important, bring a generous gift.
- Speak life. Let your words be wise.
- Be a loyal friend.
Chapter 19
Wisdom from proverbs
- Be honest, even if it negatively affects you.
- Don’t be hasty. Live with knowledge.
- Don’t ruin your own life and blame it all on God.
- Don’t bear false witness or pour out lies. Don’t be a habitual liar.
- Do yourself a favor by loving wisdom. Learn all you can.
- Demonstrate patience and hold your tongue. When you’re insulted, be quick to forgive and forget. You are virtuous when you overlook an offense.
- Don’t be lazy or passive.
- Honor God’s holy instruction. Don’t despise his ways.
- Give to the poor.
- Discipline your children while they’re young enough to learn. Be consistent and follow through.
- Control your temper.
- Listen well to wise counsel and be willing to learn from correction. Don’t reject it.
- Display tender mercies to others.
- Keep your promises. Mean what you say.
- Live a life of abandoned love, surrendered before God.
- Don’t mistreat your parents.
- Don’t make a mockery of justice by being corrupt.
Chapter 20
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t let yourself be intoxicated. Don’t be led astray by drinking alcohol.
- Avoid fights.
- Sow seeds and work in the right season, so at the right time, you can reap the harvest.
- People will call themselves your friends. Be watchful. Make sure they can really be trusted.
- Live a good and honest life and this will be a blessing to your children.
- Don’t set double standards. Don’t cheat others.
- Don’t waste time sleeping when you could be working.
- Speak revelation-words of knowledge.
- Don’t guarantee a loan for a stranger.
- Seek good advice for your plans to succeed. Don’t charge into battle without wisdom.
- Don’t cheat to get what you want.
- Stay away from people who can’t keep their mouths shut.
- Don’t insult your parents.
- Don’t try to get even. Wait for the Lord to handle it.
- Don’t try to understand everything along the path of your life. Trust the Lord to direct your steps.
- Don’t trap yourself by making quick promises.

Chapter 21
Wisdom from proverbs
- Demonstrate godliness and justice more than offering sacrifices to make up for your mistakes.
- Don’t be arrogant, prideful, or consider yourself superior.
- Don’t make hasty, impatient decisions.
- You can discern the innocence or guilt of a person by examining their actions.
- Be teachable. You shouldn’t have to keep learning your lessons the hard way.
- Don’t close your heart to the cries of the poor.
- If someone is angry with you, try giving them a gift. A kind and generous gift goes a long way.
- Rejoice when justice is served.
- Don’t neglect the ways of wisdom.
- Don’t love pleasure for pleasure’s sake. Don’t indulge.
- Don’t waste what you’ve been given.
- Chase after righteousness and you will have favor and satisfaction.
- Be careful with what you say. That’ll minimize your troubles.
- Don’t be in love with your own opinion.
- Don’t take the easy way out.
- Give extravagantly.
- Don’t bring offerings to God with an ulterior motive. It amounts to nothing.
- Guard your words and be honest.
- Don’t be shameless or stubborn.
- Don’t count on your wisdom or insight if the Lord is against you.
- Do your best to prepare for battle, but know the ultimate victory comes from the Lord.
Chapter 22
Wisdom from proverbs
- You should want a beautiful reputation more than great riches. Being esteemed by others is more honorable.
- Don’t rush blindly forward. If you show care and thought for the future, you’ll foresee danger coming. Prepare for it. Solve problems before they happen.
- Lay your life down in tender surrender before the Lord. Life, prosperity, and honor will be your reward.
- If you value your soul, stay away from twisted and perverse lives.
- Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way they should go. The values they learn from you will be with them for life.
- Maintain your righteousness. Don’t sin.
- Be generous to the poor.
- Say goodbye to a troublemaker and you’ll say goodbye to quarrels, strife, tension, and arguments.
- Love to please the Lord. You should want your heart to be holy and pure.
- Don’t make excuses for not working. Work hard.
- Don’t exploit the poor or bribe the rich.
- Let your living hope be found in God alone. He is the only one who is always true.
- Never oppress or humiliate the poor or pass laws with the motive of crushing the weak.
- Stay away from angry people or you’ll become just like them.
- Don’t guarantee a loan for someone else.
Chapter 23
Wisdom from proverbs
- When you’ve been invited to dine with a very important leader, consider your manners and keep in mind who you’re with.
- Don’t compare yourself to the rich.
- Be wise enough to know when to quit.
- Don’t waste your time giving wise advice to a rebellious fool.
- Pay close attention to the teaching that corrects you and open your heart to every word of instruction.
- Don’t withhold appropriate discipline from your child.
- Speak what is right.
- Don’t envy evil men. Burn with unrelenting passion as you worship God in holy awe.
- Listen and be wise.
- Keep your heart on the right course. Make the right decisions.
- Don’t live in the excesses of drunkenness or gluttony, or waste your life away by partying all the time.
- Give respect to your parents. Don’t neglect them when they grow old.
- Embrace the truth and hold it close. Don’t let go of wisdom, instruction, and life-giving understanding.
- Stay far away from prostitutes.
- Don’t drink too much.
Chapter 24
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t envy the wealth of evil people or desire their company.
- Be wise and build your families, businesses, and communities. Through intelligence and insight, those things are established and endure.
- Seek wisdom and you can be made to become a mighty warrior. Seek revelation-knowledge and your strength will be increased. Use wise strategy when waging war (with many good advisors) and your path to victory will be more clear.
- Don’t plan or think of doing evil. It’s as wrong as actually doing it.
- Grow in strength and courage if you fail under pressure.
- Go and rescue those who are in danger. Don’t claim ignorance or say it’s none of your business.
- Consume as much revelation-knowledge as you can. Then you’ll perceive what true wisdom is and the hope living within you will never disappoint you.
- Don’t harass the lovers of God and don’t invade their resting place.
- Be a godly and righteous lover of God and, though you may stumble, you will continue to rise over and over again.
- Don’t gloat or be quick to rejoice when your enemy falls. The Lord will be unhappy with you and He’ll turn his anger away from them.
- Don’t be angrily offended or agitated by evildoers.
- Stand in awe of God.
- Give counsel to others.
- Don’t mingle with those who are rebellious.
- Make your judgments impartial. Be just and fair.
- Speak honestly with your friends. This is a sign of true friendship.
- Build your career and give yourself to your work. But know that if you put God first, you’ll see your family built up.
- Don’t be a false accuser or slander with your words.
- Do try to get even, or repay evil with more evil.
- Professional work habits prevent poverty from becoming your permanent business partner.
- Don’t put off for tomorrow the work you could do today. Tomorrow will never seem to come.
Chapter 25
Wisdom from proverbs
- God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. Search out the deeper meaning of all God says.
- Be refined by God in the way that silver is refined by fire.
- Don’t pretend you are someone important. Don’t push for an audience or a place among the great. Wait for an invitation.
- Don’t be hasty to file a lawsuit or be in a hurry to go to court. You might be starting something you wish you hadn’t.
- Don’t reveal another person’s secret just to prove a point in an argument. You could be accused of being a gossip and gain a reputation for being one who betrays the confidence of a friend.
- Humbly receive wise correction. It makes you a better person.
- Be a reliable and trustworthy worker.
- Don’t boast of a gift you don’t have.
- Use patience and kindness when you want to persuade leaders. Use gentle wisdom to quell strong resistance.
- Don’t overindulge or eat more than you need. Excess can make you sick.
- Don’t wear out your welcome by staying too long at your friends’ house or they may get fed up always having you there and wish you hadn’t come.
- Don’t lie about or slander people.
- Don’t depend on an unreliable person when you really need help.
- If a person is suffering in grief or heartache, don’t flood them with joyful messages. That’s like rubbing salt in a wound.
- Win your enemies over with your kindness. Are they hungry or thirsty? Buy them lunch and get them something to drink. Your surprising generosity will awaken their conscience and God will reward you with favor.
- Don’t gossip or say things you shouldn’t.
- Don’t give in to temptation or compromise yourself with wickedness.
- Don’t seek to honor yourself. It’s not good.
- Have self-control.

Chapter 26
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t promote or give honor to a fool.
- Don’t respond to the words of a fool with more foolish words or you’ll become as foolish as they are.
- If you’re asked a silly question, answer it with words of wisdom.
- Don’t choose a fool to represent you.
- Don’t trust the words of a fool.
- Don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over. That’s foolish.
- Don’t be smug, conceited, or in love with your own opinions.
- Don’t be lazy. Look for work. Don’t sleep the day away. Work to feed yourself. Get your priorities straight.
- Don’t be so self-righteous that you consider yourself smarter than seven wise counselors who tell you the truth.
- Don’t interfere in someone else’s argument.
- Don’t lie to a friend and then say you were joking.
- Don’t start fights and fuel arguments that never end.
- Don’t be a sender or receiver of gossip. It’s bad for the heart.
- Don’t be manipulated by smooth-talk. Hypocrisy loves to hide behind flattery.
Chapter 27
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t brag about the plans you have for tomorrow. You don’t have a clue what tomorrow will bring.
- Let someone else honor you for your accomplishments. Self-praise isn’t appropriate.
- Do not be angry or cruel and, especially, don’t be jealous.
- You can trust a friend who wounds you with his honesty and it’s better to be corrected openly if it stems from hidden love.
- Seek sweet friendships and good counsel. They refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy.
- Never give up on a good friend or abandon a friend of your father. Remember and consider the days of your own brokenness.
- Walk in wisdom. The way you live is proof that you’ve learned well.
- Discern the danger ahead and prepare yourself. Don’t be naive.
- Don’t cosign for someone you barely know. Don’t guarantee the loan of another.
- Don’t be inappropriately loud early in the morning. Be considerate of your neighbors.
- As a worker, protect your employer’s interests and you will be rewarded.
- Pay close attention and hold close to your heart the condition of those you care for.
- Take care of your responsibilities and be diligent in your business. Then you’ll have more than enough – an abundance of food, clothing, and plenty for your household.
Chapter 28
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t turn your back on what you know is right. You compromise your conscience. Soon you won’t be able to tell what is right from wrong anymore.
- If you are tenderly devoted to the Lord, you will understand justice perfectly.
- Be obedient to what you’ve been taught.
- Don’t get rich on the backs of the poor. Be kind to the needy.
- Don’t close your heart or refuse to listen to God’s instruction.
- Don’t lead good people along an evil path.
- Don’t cover up your sin. Confess your sins and turn away from them. Then, you’ll receive mercy.
- Don’t have a stubborn or unyielding heart before God. Remain tender-hearted toward him and you will experience great joy.
- Don’t be a ruthless or abusive leader. Employ wisdom and despise corruption.
- Remain pure.
- Work hard and you’ll have all you desire.
- Chase a fantasy and you could end up with nothing.
- Be an honest and faithful person.
- Don’t show favoritism to the rich and powerful.
- Don’t be greedy or in a rush to get rich. Don’t forget what is most important in life or you will lose it and end up with nothing.
- Correct someone with criticism that is constructive.
- Don’t steal from your parents.
- Don’t make rash or hasty decisions. That’s a sign you don’t trust the Lord. When you rely totally on God, you will still act carefully and prudently.
- Don’t be a self-confident know-it-all. When you lean on the wisdom from above, you will have a way to escape the troubles of your own making.
- Give to the poor and you will never go without. Do not be heartless, stingy, or selfish.
- Be a godly leader.
Chapter 29
Wisdom from proverbs
- Don’t be stubborn. Accept correction.
- Love wisdom.
- Be a godly leader who values justice. This is a great strength and a proper example for people.
- Don’t sell your influence for money. Don’t accept bribes.
- Don’t let flattery take advantage of you.
- Pour yourself out for the poor. Understand and help the needy.
- Don’t be an arrogant cynic or pick fights. Be humble and wise. Pursue peace.
- Don’t argue with a fool.
- Esteem those with integrity. Esteem those who are holy.
- Don’t give full vent to your rage. Be wise and bite your tongue. Hold back all you could say.
- Don’t listen to liars.
- As a leader, demonstrate justice for the poor.
- Be patient.
- Correct your child, One day you’ll find they’ve changed and it will bring you great delight.
- Accept divine guidance. Have a clear prophetic vision. Don’t wander aimlessly. Follow the revelation of the Word.
- Don’t be stubborn when you are corrected. Understand and pay attention.
- Think first. Then speak.
- Don’t be a hot-tempered angry person. Watch the condition of your heart. Sin surrounds the life of furious people.
- Be meek and humble in spirit. Don’t lift yourself up with pride or you will be brought low.
- Don’t partner with a thief. Don’t fail to report a crime.
- Don’t let fear and intimidation hold you back. When you place your confidence in the Lord, you will be safe.
- Seek favor and justice from the Lord.
- Love those who live a godly life and hate injustice wherever it’s found.
Chapter 30
Wisdom from proverbs
- Ask God to empty out of your heart everything that is false – every lie, and every crooked thing.
- Ask God to feed your soul with the measure of prosperity that pleases Him.
- Ask God to help you find satisfaction in Him and recognize your need for him.
- Never slander a worker to the employer.
- Don’t be proud, greedy, plot evil, or stir up anger.
- Don’t mock or dishonor your parents.

Chapter 31
Wisdom from proverbs
- Keep yourself sexually pure.
- Don’t let yourself be drunk on wine or crave alcohol.
- Don’t forget justice.
- Don’t ignore the right of those in need, those who depend on you for leadership.
- Don’t use alcohol to drown out your sorrows.
- Be a leader who speaks up for those who can’t speak for themselves; who pleads for the legal rights of the defenseless and dying. Be righteous and see that they get justice.
the radiant bride : A wife of noble character
- She can be trusted by her husband without reserve. He never has a reason to regret it.
- She is never spiteful. She always treats her husband generously.
- She continually searches and gathers what is best: that which is pure and righteous.
- She delights in her work.
- She’s up before dawn, preparing food for her family and organizing her day. She intercedes in the night.
- She sets her heart on land and stewards it well so that it is fruitful.
- She is energetic and strong. She is a hard worker. She knows the worth of her work.
- She shows care for her home. She is diligent.
- She assists those in need and reaches out to help the poor.
- She doesn’t worry about her family in passing seasons. She cared for their future and has already prepared and set aside what they will need.
- She takes care of herself.
- She clothes herself with strength and dignity. She laughs without fear of the future.
- Her teachings are filled with wisdom and kindness. She gives loving instruction. When she speaks, she has something worthwhile to say.
- She carefully watches over everything in her household.
- Her children respect and bless her. Her sons and daughters acknowledge her virtues. Her husband speaks of her in glowing terms: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you’ve outdone them all!”
- She is a woman who fears the Lord.

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