Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a marriage last? I know I have. If it was possible, I’d ask every spouse in a successful marriage what their…
How To Heal A Broken Heart (in 16 Powerful Steps)
In this post, where going to talk about a broken heart within the context of relationships. Break-ups suck… Let’s talk about why they hurt and how to heal a broken…
How To Be Happy
This is going to sound crazy. Or, maybe, just incredibly ironic. I found happiness at the brink of depression and anxiety. It was something I was really struggling with for…
Renewing Your Mind in 10 Incredibly Practical And Spiritual Steps
You might be wondering: What does renewing your mind even look like? Simply put, renewing your mind looks like being transformed, developing a new character, and becoming a new version…
What Breaks A Relationship? : 15 Eye-Opening Things To Look For
If I could answer “what breaks a relationship” simply, I would say it comes down to three simple things. Because, honestly, the list could go on and on. I have…
How To Be Empathetic In 10 Truly Effective Steps
Empathy doesn’t always come easily to us. Sometimes it doesn’t come at all. Empathy is not just being able to logically understand a person; it’s being able to “feel” what…