Does a lion roar in the forest unless he has found a victim? Does a young lion growl in his den unless he has caught something?
AMOS 3:4 (GNT)
On the way a lion met him and killed him. His body lay on the road, and the donkey and the lion stood beside it. Some men passed by and saw the body on the road, with the lion standing near by. They went on into Bethel and reported what they had seen. When the old prophet heard aout it, he said, “That is the prophet who disobeyed the Lord’s command! And so the Lord sent the lion to attack and kill him, just as the Lord said he would.”
1 KINGS 13:24-26 (GNT)
No lion or other fierce beast ever travels those lonely roads.
JOB 28:8 (GNT)
The Babylonians all roar like lions and growl like lion cubs.
And he rode off and found the prophet’s body lying on the road, with the donkey and the lion still standing by it. The lion had not eaten the body or attacked the donkey.
1 KINGS 13:28 (GNT)
So he said to him, “Because you have disobeyed the Lord’s command, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me.” And as soon as he left, a lion came along and killed him.
1 KINGS 20:36 (GNT)
He waited for me like a bear; he pounced on me like a lion.
Fear an angry king as you would a growling lion; making him angry is suicide.
proverbs 20:2 (gnt)
Lazy people stay at home; they say a lion might get them if they go outside.
About the tribe of Dan he said: “Dan is a young lion; He leaps out from Bashan.”
The king’s anger is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like welcome rain.
The wicked run when no one is chasing them, but an honest person is as brave as a lion.
So I will attack you like a lion. Like a leopard I will lie in wait along your path. I will attack you like a bear that has lost her cubs, and I will tear you open. Like a lion I will devour you on the spot, and will tear you to pieces like a wild animal.
Hosea 13:7-8 (gnt)
Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
1 PETER 5:8 (GNT)
Poor people are helpless against a wicked ruler; he is as dangerous as a growling lion or a prowling bear.

If I have any success at all, you hunt me down like a lion; to hurt me you even work miracles.
JOB 10:16 (GNT)
She waited until she saw all hope was gone. Then she raised another of her cubs, and he grew into a fierce lion.
When a lion roars, who can keep from being afraid? When the Sovereign Lord speaks, who can keep from proclaiming his message?
AMOS 3:8 (GNT)
Judah is like a lion, killing his victim and returning to his den, stretching out and lying down. No one dares disturb him. Judah will hold the royal scepter, and his decendants will always rule. Nations will bring him tribute and bow in obedience before him. He ties his young donkey to a grapevine, to the very best of the vines. He washes his clothes in blood-red wine. His eyes are bloodshot from drinking wine, his teeth white from drinking milk.
GENESIS 49:9-12 (GNT)
All night I cried out with pain, as if a lion were breaking my bones. I thought that God was ending my life.
Isaiah 38:13 (gnt)
My chosen people have turned against me; like a lion in the forest they have roared at me, and so I hate them.
The lion killed his prey and tore it to pieces for his mate and her cubs; he filled his den with torn flesh.
NAHUM 2:12 (GNT)
My people will follow me when I rooar like a lion at their enemies. They will hurry to me from the west.
HOSEA 11:10 (GNT)
“Your majesty,” David said, “I take care of my father’s sheep. Any time a lion or a bear carries off a lamb, I go after it, attack it, and rescue the lamb. And if the lion or bear turns on me, I grab it by the throat and beat it to death. I have killed lions and bears, and I will do the same to this heathen Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God. The Lord has saved me from lions and bears; he will save me from this Philistine.”
1 SAMUEL 17:34-37
O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection; rescue me and save me from all who pursue me, or else like a lion they will carry me off where no one can save me, and there they will tear me to pieces.
PSALM 7:1-2
But anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion.
I punished you, but it did no good; you would not let me correct you. Like a raging lion, you have murdered your prophets.
So Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother. As they were going through the vineyards there, he heard a young lion roaring. Suddenly the power of the Lord made Samson strong, and he tore the lion apart with his bare hands, as if it were a young goat. But he did not tell his parents what he had done.
… On the way he left the road to look at the lion he had killed, and he was surprised to find a swarm of bees and some honey inside the dead body. He scraped the honey out into his hands and ate it as he walked along. Then he went to his father and mother and gave them some. They ate it, but Samson did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the dead body of a lion.
JUDGES 14:5-6; 8-9
An army of locusts has attacked our land; they are powerful and too many to count; their teeth are as sharp as those of a lion.
JOEL 1:6 (GNT)
The nation is like a mighty lion; when it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses Israel will be cursed.
NUMBERS 24:9 (gnt)

Some men passed by and saw the body on the road, with the lion standing near by. They went on into Bethel and reported what they had seen.
1 KINGS 13:25 (GNT)
The Lord has abandoned his people like a lion that leaves its cave. The horrors of war and the Lord’s fierce anger have turned the country into a desert.
jeremiah 25:38
Wolves and sheep will live together in peace, and leopards will lie down with young goats. Calves and lion cubs will feed together, and little children will take care of them.
The first one looked like a lion; the second looked like a bull; the third had a face like a human face; and the fourth looked like an eagle in flight.
Each living creature had four different faces: a human face in front, a lion’s face at the right, a bull’s face at the left, and an eagle’s face at the back.
Where now is the city that was like a den of lions, the place where young lions were fed, where the lion and the lioness would go and their cubs would be safe?
NAHUM 2:11 (GNT)
The beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear’s feet and a mouth like a lion’s mouth. The dragon gave the beast his own power, his throne, and his vast authority.
Each creature had four faces. The first was the face of a bull, the second a human face, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.
How terrible it will be for you who long for the day of the Lord! What good will that day do you? For you it will be a day of darkness and not of light. It will be like someone who runs from a lion and meets a bear! Or like someone who comes home and puts his hand on the wall – only to be bitten by a snake!
AMOS 5:18-19 (GNT)
Then one of the elders said to me, “Don’t cry. Look! The Lion from Judah’s tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory, and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.”
Like a lion coming from its hiding place, a destroyer of nations has set out. He is coming to destroy Judah. The cities of Judah will be left in ruins, and no one will live in them.
The inside walls of the Temple, up as high as above the doors, were completely covered with carvings of palm trees and winged creatures. Palm trees alternated with creatures, one following the other, all the way around the room. Each creature had two faces: A human face that was turned toward the palm tree on one side, and a lion’s face that was turned toward the tree on the other side. It was like this all around the wall, from the floor to above the doors.
EZEKIAL 41:17-20
Benaiah son of Jehoiada from Kabzeel was a famous soldier; he did many brave deeds, including killing two great Moabite warriors. He once went down into a pit on a snowy date and killed a lion.
Benaiah son of Jehoiada from Kabzeel was another famous solider; he did many brave deeds, including killing two great Moabite warriors. He once went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion.
2 SAMUEL 23:20 (GNT)
I will attack the people of Israel and Judah like a lion. I myself will tear them to pieces and then leave them. When I drag them off, no one will be able to save them.
HOSEA 5:14 (GNT)

The Lord says, “As a shepherd recovers only two legs or an ear of a sheep that a lion has eaten, so only a few will survive of Samaria’s people, who now recline on luxurious couches.
AMOS 3:12 (GNT)
Six steps led up to the throne, and there was a footstool attached to it, covered with gold. There were arms on each side of the throne, and the figure of a lion stood at each side.
Those who are left among the nations will be like a lion hunting for food in a forest or a pasture: it gets in among the sheep, pounces on them, and tears them to pieces – and there is no hope of rescue.
The first one looked like a lion, but had wings like an eagle. While I was watching, the wings were torn off. The beast was lifted up and made to stand up straight. And then a human mind was given to it.
The Lord said to me, “No matter how shepherds yell and shout, they can’t scare away a lion from an animal that it has killed; in the same way, there is nothing that can keep me, the Lord Almighty, from protecting Mount Zion…”
“Mortal man,” he said, “give a solemn warning to the king of Egypt. Give him this message from me: You act like a lion among the nation, but you are more like a crocodile splashing through a river. You muddy the water with your feet and pollutte the rivers…”
So on the seventh day, before Samsom went into the bedroom, the men of the city said to him, “What could be sweeter than honey? What could be stronger than a lion?”
JUDGES 14:18 (GNT)
“Like a lion coming out of the thick woods along the Jordan up to the green pasture land, I, the Lord, will come and make the Babylonians run away suddenly from their city. Then the leader I choose will rule the nation. Who can be compared to me? Who would dare challenge me? What ruler could oppose me?
jeremiah 50:44 (GNT)
Like a lion coming out of the thick woods along the Jordan River up to the green pasture land, I will come and make the Edomites run away suddenly from their country. Then the leader I choose will rule the nation. Who can be compared to me? Who would dare challenge me? What ruler could oppose me?
Why don’t lazy people ever get out of the house? What are they afraid of Lions?
The wicked roar and growl like lions, but God silences them and breaks their teeth. Like lions with nothing to kill and eat, they die, and all their children are scattered.
JOB 4:10-11 (GNT)
They are like lions, waiting for me, wanting to tear me to pieces.
PSALM 17:12 (GNT)
He had a small scroll open in his hand. He put his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and called out in a loud voice that sounded like the roar of lions. After he had called out, the seven thunders answered with a roar.
You will trample down lions and snakes, fierce lions and poisonous snakes.
PSALM 91:13 (GNT)
There are four things that are impressive to watch as they walk: lions, strongest of all animals and afraid of none…
PROVERBS 30:29-30

Rescue me from these lions; I am helpless before these wild bulls.
PSALM 22:21 (GNT)
Cows and bears will eat together, and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace. Lions will eat straw as cattle do.
When he was full-grown, he prowled with the other lions. He learned to hunt and eat people.
But the Lord stayed with me and gave me strength, so that I was able to proclaim the full message for all the Gentiles to hear; and I was rescued from being sentenced to death.
2 TIMOTHY 4:17 (GNT)
The nation of Israel is like a mighty lion: It doesn’t rest until it has torn and devoured, until it has drunk the blood of those it has killed.
They open their mouths like lions, roaring and tearing at me.
PSALM 22:13 (GNT)
They wait in their hiding place like lions. They lie in wait for the poor; they catch them in their traps and drag them away.
PSALM 10:9 (GNT)
Do you find food for lions to eat, and satisfy hungry young lions…
JOB 38:39 (GNT)
About the tribe of Gad he said: “Praise God, who made their territory large. Gad waits like a lion to tear off an arm or a scalp.
Then even the bravest men, as fearless as lions, will be afraid because everyone in Israel knows that your father is a great soldier and that his men are hard fighters.
2 SAMUEL 17:10 (GNT)
Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil.
ISAIAH 65:25 (GNT)
The leaders are like lions roaring over the animals they have killed. They kill the people, take all the money and property they can get, and by their murders leave many widows.
No lions will be there; no fierce animals will pass that way. Those whom the Lord has rescued will travel home by that road.
That is why lions from the forest will kill them; wolves from the desert will tear them to pieces, and leopards will prowl through their towns. If those people go out, they will be torn apart because their sins are numerous and time after time they have turned from God.
The soldiers roar like lions that have killed an animal and are carrying it off where no one can take it away from them.

This is God’s message about the animals of the southern desert: “The ambassadors travel through dangerous country, where lions live and where there are poisonous snakes and flying dragons. They load their donkeys and camels with expensive gifts for a nation that cannot give them any help.
What a lioness your mother was! She raised her cubs among the fierce male lions.
The Lord says, “The people of Israel are like sheep, chased and scattered by lions. First, they were attacked by the emperor of Assyria, and then King Nebuchadnezzae of Babylonia gnawed on their bones.
Their hair was like women’s hair, their teeth were like lions’ teeth.
Twelve figures of lions were on the steps, one at either end of each step. No throne like this had ever existed in any other kingdom.
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